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RE: [SAHM] Re: Hello


I have to agree with Mary and it is important to share information whether
it is good or bad. Everyone has their experiences and it is your duty to
read what is out there and make your own decision.

With that being said, my mother was invited to a Melaluca party. She's got
pretty bad allergies and was willing to purchase the detergents, soaps etc.
She did not sign on as a sales rep but she signed on as a purchaser where
she did have to spend $50 a month to get a discount. Less than 3 days after
signing up, her credit card was charged for $60 something dollars. I called
on her behalf as she speaks very little English and was told that she was
charged for a default bottle of Women's vitamins because she didn't spend
$50 that month. I explained that she had just signed up and the it was only
3 days but I was told that the month started on the 1st and since there was
no purchase made her account was charged the default purchase a $60 bottle
of Women's Multi-Vitamins.

Default $60 women's multi vitamin???? NO THANK YOU! I can get Centrum for
women for 1/6 of that cost for the entire month!

Luckily, there was a 3 day cancellation period for Melaluca and I was able
to fax a form to their office to cancel the account. I was happy to fax a
cancellation letter, as well as send a letter snail mail with (delivery
confirmation) date stamps. I knew if I didn't, there were going to be issues
and this way I had proof she was cancelling within the timeframe allotted in
their own contract.

If you're running a company on merit and integrity with the best products as
they claim, then why use sneaky tactics? Especially sending automatic and
default products at the first of the month? I believe they are counting on
people not to return the products because it's a hassle and more importantly
if you were to dispute, there is the "signed contract" with your signature
which contains the agreement terms (in really tiny letters on the last line
of the last page of the blue copy of the contract that you signed..)????

Hmmmmmm.Sounds fishy to me!

I would do more research.



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From: Stay-At-Home-Mommies@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:Stay-At-Home-Mommies@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Mary Kalwite
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 6:17 PM
To: Stay-At-Home-Mommies@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [SAHM] Re: Hello

I was a rep for the company.
I know how they work.

I haven't once invited anyone into any "opportunity" so I am not trying
to get people to come to what I have.

Really... is it only professional to "praise" a company or should it be
fair to warn people about companies.
I am sorry if you consider it trashing for me to share my experience and
the experience of being approached by other reps.

Anyone who is interested just Google Melaleuca.
There are pages and pages of negative info out there.


On 1/26/2011 6:01 PM, Loreita wrote:
> I have never trained any of my girls to do that and I really believe
> that is an unfair statement and believe that you stated that in order
> to turn people away from us so you can have them

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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