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Re: [SAHM] Re: Hello


WOW really.

You made a blanket statement about the company. I have never approached people in that way. It is trashing our company. There is a lot of bad info out there about most companies because people only report when they have a complaint. People complain because they were not successful at a business or did not understand how something worked with the comp plan or a number of other things. It does not mean it should be labeled a scam and a cult. People don't usually call the BBB to say hey this company is great. And thanks again for adding even more negative comments.

I didn't say you had to praise them. But be professional and realize that there are moms out there who are making a living with Melaleuca and count on networking to grow their business. You were not just sharing how you were approached, you discredited the company I work with. You could have said you did not like the business and it did not work for you like I stated about avon and tupperware. Or that some did not approach you in a good way or something like that. Something nicer. That's all I ask for is for you to respect those who build this business without scare tactics or accusations.

----- Original Message -----
From: Mary Kalwite<mailto:njmom71@gmail.com>
To: Stay-At-Home-Mommies@yahoogroups.com<mailto:Stay-At-Home-Mommies@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: [SAHM] Re: Hello

I was a rep for the company.
I know how they work.

I haven't once invited anyone into any "opportunity" so I am not trying
to get people to come to what I have.

Really... is it only professional to "praise" a company or should it be
fair to warn people about companies.
I am sorry if you consider it trashing for me to share my experience and
the experience of being approached by other reps.

Anyone who is interested just Google Melaleuca.
There are pages and pages of negative info out there.


On 1/26/2011 6:01 PM, Loreita wrote:
> I have never trained any of my girls to do that and I really believe
> that is an unfair statement and believe that you stated that in order
> to turn people away from us so you can have them

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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