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[SAHM] advertising I have left Great deals! + Biz Opportunity


advertising I have left Great deals! + Biz Opportunity

I am getting ready for spring advertising I have a few spots open on my
sites. Spring I will have ads in the paper plus I am doing mail order
marketing on some of my sites. What is nice all my sites link together for
better coverage and networking. They all link to Nowa's Network which will
be located on Dana's site when she is listed with her site in Redbook in

Nowa's Network has 2 $5 ad spots left good for a year. Our main site has
all sites listed. We have two categories services which is network and
marketplace which is goods. Nowa's network is the site that links all sites
together. The site I advertise the most. Nowa's Network and Nowa's Budget
Web Design will have newspaper ads for my community area. Your ad could be
clicked on by one of my local customers. I working on more outside
advertising this year get out of the whelm of just yahoo and social
networks. I am going to target people who may not be online or may be
online and not in our forums.

Nowa's Recruiting center has two $20 featured ads we leave up for six months
(instead of one) You are seen featured top page.

Nowa's recruiting center has 3 $5 spots left good for a year. This is a
recruiting site for those who do recruiting downline.

Nowa's Flea market guide which will be advertised well in the spring

Nowa's Flea market guide has 4 $5 spots left good for a year.

We have 2 featured ads which are $20 I can leave up for six months. Great
for someone who sells a product that can be sold or bought at a flea market.
Or if you provide a service say you make business cards.great for flea
market vendors.

Nowa's Work at Home Guide ( has shopping and business opportunities) Oldest
site going on 4 years old. Very good for hits and unique users.

Nowa's work at home guide has 3 $5 spots

Besides just linking your banner or button I do referrals. If someone asks
one of my groups or networks for a Tupperware person for example. I will go
to my advertisers first. An example when someone needs a button I send them
to Mary one of my advertisers I know she does good work.

Don't lose out on the special.. $5 a year instead of monthly. You get added
to the main page of the website. You save $55!

Information on getting your ad here choose your ad here>>>

For the slide show pick the $20 (it says month but we leave it up for six
months) <http://www.nowasnetwork.info/advertising.htm>

Another thing I am going to do for spring is make up gift packs with cards
and information from my advertisers. It pays to advertise on Nowa's
Network we going to be doing a lot of new things this year!


Speaking of packs you can get 20% off on your promotional items if you join
me at Nowa's ad specialties. Once a year we open the opportunity to sell ad
specialties. When it comes time to order catalogs when I accept new
membership. I send you a catalog and maintain a website for you. You earn
20% on sales 15% on additions like proofs, colors, extras etc. Customer
pays tax and shipping. You place your order through Nowa's Ad
Specialties. The customer's order is dropshipped to them. No keeping
products on hand unless you want samples, no inventory, no quotas on when to
sell. If you want you can use this account just to buy your own goods.

Sign up now for $18.00 (renewals are $15.00 a year) You paying for your
catalog and maintaining your website.

Our digital catalog if you like to look around
<http://www.kbbestbuys.com> http://www.kbbestbuys.com

$18 gets you started:


I want to make this year our best year!


Judy Nowakowski

<http://www.nowasnetwork.info> http://www.nowasnetwork.info
<http://www.nowasmarketplace.info> http://www.nowasmarketplace.info

Virtual Gift Store- Baskets and More

<http://www.nowascountrygardens.com> http://www.nowascountrygardens.com


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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