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[SAHM] Example Malaleuca emails


This is what I am talking about.
 Thoughts become things......choose the good ones.
Theresa Keneklis

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: fran dyer <fdyer2000@yahoo.com>
To: Stay-At-Home-Mommies@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, January 31, 2011 11:18:40 AM
Subject: Re: [SAHM] Re: Hello

I have been a member of Melaleuca for several years.  I was going to cancel my
membership because I lost contact with my group.  If you can help me get back on

track I would like to try it again.  I have been following the dialogue going
back and forth about Melaleuca and this hasn't discouraged me.  The products are

of very high quality but I think for me to build a business I need the support
from a group.  Please let me know what I can do to get back in the game.  I am
still a member in good standing.  Thanks.

From: Loreita <loreitah@msn.com>
To: Stay-At-Home-Mommies@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, January 26, 2011 6:01:58 PM
Subject: Re: [SAHM] Re: Hello

Please keep this professional. I have never used those kind of tactics and I
don't appreciate you making a blanket statement about the whole company. We all
are independent contractors some people will do it however they want to. We can
not stop that. I have never trained any of my girls to do that and I really
believe that is an unfair statement and believe that you stated that in order to

turn people away from us so you can have them. Thanks a lot for trashing another

company. I have been with them for 4 1/2 years and while you may not be
impressed I have found these products to work amazingly well and to say they
cost a fortune is an outright fabrication. This is my livelihood. I count on
this income just like you do with whatever it is you do. How would you like it
if someone came on here bashing your company. You would not be happy. It now
makes it so that I will not be able to grow my business through networking on
this site because you had to say something, because you were not successful with

it. Not everything is for everyone, that's natural. I have something that can
help so many families and you are also hurting others who could do well with
Melaleuca because now they will go somewhere else. I have personal stories in my

family how getting the toxins out of our home changed our life. My husband was
on 2 forms of allergy meds year round and on anti-depressants he had been on for

more then six years. My daughter has ADD. They were both able to go off their
medications and have not needed any for more then 4 years now. When I started
using the vitamins my headaches went away. You can say what you want but you
can't take away true results. The name Melaleuca does not send people running if

the business is handled in a professional way. I am sorry it did not work for
you and you feel we are some sort of cult. It may not work for some individuals
and that is normal. I was not able to be successful with Avon and Tupperware but

that was just me. It does not give me a right to get on here and discourage
others from going that route. There are tons of people in each company that are
wildly successful. I have never found a product like the ones Melaleuca sells
that work any where close to ours. And the price is not outrageous. I am really
confused as to why you would discredit yourself and others by making such
statements. Please next time just don't comment. It is not fair to the ones who
are working hard and doing well.

End Of Subject, Lets move on!


Loreita Holladay
Director III
Providing a positive Partnership for your Success!!

Your Future begins now! Are you prepared financially? If not I can help.

----- Original Message -----
From: Mary Kalwite<mailto:njmom71@gmail.com>

Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: [SAHM] Re: Hello

The name Melaleuca sends people running the other way.
They object of the evasiveness is to get you on the phone call.
It is part of the overall marketing tactics.

I was a rep once... not impressed with the products.
The "cult like" following is beyond crazy.

They use tactics like...
"Don't you care for your children?"
"Don't you care if you dumping poison on their heads with the shampoo
you use?"

There are many natural and safe cleaning products readily available in
the market place for a fraction of the cost.
I like safe products in my house, I don't like spending a fortune on
them just so my upline can make a buck.


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