Hi Shoppers,
We have upscale purchase and return Mystery Shops.
* Requires a female shopper age 25-60 (if you are not female, but know one, please have them register).
* Shopper must fit the store's clothing size range (U.S. sizes 0-12).
* Shopper must be dressed upscale casual during the visit.
* Shopper must use the fitting room.
* The purchase of a full priced clothing item is required for this visit. As this is an upscale shop, you can expect to pay approximately $200 or more to purchase an item of clothing (which is required for this project).
* Purchase items cannot be accessories or sale items-Regular prices Items only
* REQUIRED return. It is a client requirement to do the return visit on the FOURTH day after the purchase visit.
* Shopper must provide actual address, phone, and/or email address to see if a "thank you" communication is sent from the associate.
* No children are allowed to go along on this visit.
* Print and review Project Specifications and shop evaluation CAREFULLY BEFORE
your visit.
* The purchase visit, phone call and return visit information must be entered within 12 hours and the completed evaluation must be submitted online no later than 11:59 pm (local time) on the Due Date.
Shopper's Payment: $40
Shopper's Bonus: Listed on the website
Shopping Dates: Tuesday, June 28 or Wednesday, June 29
Shopping Time: Anytime the store is open
Honolulu, HI 96814
Wailea, HI 96753
If you are interested in this assignment, please go to www.beyondhello.com and
register as a shopper and then request the location you want.
Thank you.
Coast to Coast Scheduling Services
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