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[SAHM] Los Angeles, CA - Bistro shops


Hello Shoppers,

Palm Scheduling has an American Bistro shop available.  This shop is for 2 Adults (no children).  Dates available are:  July 11 - July 28, 2012
For the below shops; report is enter on line. Receipts can either be scanned or faxed.  Payment is made via PAYPAL or check within 60 days of the shop.
You may repeat the location every 3rd month.  If you are RELIABLE, and interested in doing this shop, in the email subject line write "Los Angeles Bistro" and please email ALL this information in this exact order to: FrancesforPSS@verizon.net

Full Name:
Date(s) to shop:
Contact Phone #S:
Email Address:
PayPal Address:
Address of location: 
Type of shop you are requesting:
What type of shops have you conducted in the past?
Address: Truxton Avenue Los Angeles CA 90045 
Shops Available
Friday - Sunday 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM Dine In Report Pay $10.00 Food Reimbursement up to $75.00
Monday - Thursday 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM weekday take out  Report Pay $5.00 Food Reimbursement up to $60.00
Monday - Thursday 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM weekday delivery Report Pay $5.00 Food Reimbursement up to $60.00 (within 3 miles of location)
REMEMBER; Please follow the instructions outlined above.   If you are assigned a location you receive further instructions via email and you must confirm receipt of the instructions.   
If you do not receive a reply, the location has already been scheduled.  We appreciate you support. 

Thank you,
Frances Massengale, Scheduler
Palm Scheduling Services
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