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Article: Work At Home in 2011
Word Count: 505 words including the bio
Author: Leslie Truex
Website: Http://www.workathomesuccess.com
Work At Home in 2011
As the New Year approaches, millions of people are making resolutions about money, health and more. For many people, one of those resolutions is to work at home.
The problem with resolutions is that within weeks they're forgotten. Sometimes they just aren't important enough to make happen, but most often I think people fail because they don't have a solid plan. Wishing isn't enough to achieve your goals. Vague ideas about how you'll reach your goals don't work either. Instead you need a well-designed action plan and a commitment to follow it.
So what will it take to work at home in 2011? Here are my suggestions:
1) Add working at home into your daily activities. Get up earlier, stay up later… make the time to do work-at-home related activities each day. Work-at-home activities include doing a job search, posting to a blog, writing an article to use in marketing. The key is to do something every day so that working at home becomes a habit as regular as brushing your teeth.
2) Know what you're going to do. Each day when you sit down to work on working at home, know what activities need to be done. This means having a plan or a to-do list. When I sat down today, I knew I needed to post jobs, write a blog post, and outline a new work-at-home job course.
3) Make no excuses. The real difference between those who succeed and those who don't, are that the successful people don't make excuses. They do what needs to be done even when they've got no time, they're broke, the kids are sick, the dog runs away, the spouse is unsupportive, the economy tanks… and any other thing that can happen. Everyone has challenges, but you can't let them stop you from achieving your goals.
4) Do it for a year. Achieving work-at-home success takes time. You won't start January 1st and be making $5000 a month by the end of the month (it's possible, but not likely). But if you work plan, within a year you should have significant results. But only if you work on your goal regularly. Haphazard effort will give haphazard results no matter how long you work on them. Commit to daily activity for a year and you'll see results.
5) Expand your knowledge. I'm an avid reader. At any one time I have several books I'm reading on success, marketing and other topics that can help me grow and make a profit. I recommend you do the same. Find books and courses that are specific to your goals. Read or listen to inspirational materials. Check out blogs and news that are related to your work-at-home idea. The more you know, the easier and faster you can achieve your goals.
6) Tap into resources. There are tons of great resources you can use to educate yourself, save time, and make money. Don't reinvent the wheel. Find existing tools, resources and information you can use to speed up the process.
About the author:
Leslie Truex is the author of The Work-At-Home Success Bible (Adams Media). She has been telecommuting and running home businesses for over 15 years and helping others to work at home in jobs or home businesses since 1998. Get work-at-home jobs and other resources with her free newsletter at http://www.workathomesuccess.com
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