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Re: [SAHM] Melaleuca


The company is protecting itself from inexperienced marketers / so called business owners. Most people lead and introduce a companies opportunity intstead of the product or service the company provides promising they can make X amount of dollars.
Then people want to sue or complain when they do not earn the money that an opportunity can provide. Now because of some inexperienced business owner or even a misleading business owner caused the company to hire lawyers and fight the lawsuit and the bad press. Companies have no choice but to protect themselves.
$50 is nothing to have an opportunity to make much more. Sorry to sound heartless but if you do not have around $100 or more a month for a business then you should go get a job and not try to build a home business.
As for using products network marketing compaines provide, it is a personal choice to use the products or not. I personally belong to 2 compaines that I use the products and do not promote the opportunity to make money with them at all.
I pay for quality, service, and price in that order.
Melaleuca is a respectable company with great products and no I do not use their products but know of people that do and have no complaints. As for the business opportunity, I can say if you understand how to make money with them and learn how to do the business side of network marketing which basically is sales, you can reach your goals. 
My opinions are my opinions and I wanted to share them because I take the industry seriously and have seen many people give up on their hopes and dreams which is very sad.
God Bless
Tony Williams
I am an open book with regard to my intentions and I am required by law to tell that I may receive compensation for some products or services in my messages.

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