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RE: [HRM-Club] Mohon sharing tentang Employee Engagement


Dear Pak Kusharyo dan ingin urun rembug


Apa yang bapak tanyakan memang menjadi trend in dan di bahas mendalam oleh Dr.M.Luciano


Namun tidak ada salahnya saya hanya ingin menambahkan dari artikel David Zinger dan Andrew McFarland


Yaitu :


we need 3 ingredients to maximize our personal satisfaction: purpose, autonomy, and mastery.

Unfortunately corporate structures are set up to stifle these natural motivators so leaders must work relentlessly to break down barriers to allow our people the freedom to thrive.

1.  Purpose – Link the task to the outcome or the benefit. Some employees naturally see the linkage while others require leaders to communicate the purpose of the work.  A common story summarizes the power of purpose.

Three bricklayers were working side by side.  When asked, "What are you doing?" the first bricklayer replied, "I'm laying bricks."  The second bricklayer was asked and he answered, "Feeding my family."  The third bricklayer when asked the question, "What are you doing?" responded, "I'm building a cathedral."

2.  Autonomy – Give people a goal, not a prescriptive set of rules. Military leaders require latitude to deal with changing situations so they are given goals and boundaries.  By engaging a person's creativity and spirit we provide the freedom to choose new paths, find new solutions, and accomplish the impossible.

3.  Mastery – Ask more from your team and permit failure. In some cases leaders must demand more from their people and stretch them in ways they didn't think possible.  In other cases our role is to allow people to make mistakes in order to reach their potential.

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." – Thomas Edison

One interesting way to think of the challenge is to consider what we ask our leaders to do.  We say to our business leaders "make money, but do it ethically."  We ask our government leaders to "keep us safe and help us prosper."  The pivot point is to get the best from our employees, we need to set goals in front of them just as broadly, with just as much latitude, and even more support.

Here are 6 employee engagement points to ponder. By David Zinger


Open the door. A true open-door policy in which anyone can drop by anytime is unrealistic. But you can establish a regular time when you are available for questions, discussion, issues. Announce, then publicize and re-publicize the Open Door Time until it takes hold in the minds of your employees. You may have only few takers the first few weeks, but in time and with your persistence, this will become a valuable communication time for and with your people. ~ Tim Wright

Engagement and strategy. Most of the leaders I meet believe the people they lead are aligned with strategy and engaged in their work. The data suggest otherwise. The Conference Board released research in January that concluded employee satisfaction and engagement in America were at the lowest point since it began surveying more than 20 years ago.  The report also concluded that the downward trend began long before the Great Recession. Another well-respected organization, the Corporate Executive Board, released research last year that concluded 75 percent of the employees were not engaged and giving their best efforts and of the 25 percent who were engaged, 60 percent were not aligned with organizational goals. The bottom line is that 90 percent of American employees are either not engaged or aligned with strategy. ~ Michael Lee Stallard

Alignment and culture. The truth of this statement lies in its simplicity. Employees don't engage with widgets, deadlines or even people, necessarily. People engage with a sense of meaning, of purpose, of an understanding of fair play, of company values aligned with their personal values. The sum of all of this is your company culture. ~  Derek Irvine

Be consultative. Ultimately, adopting a consultative approach increases your value to clients, elevates the purpose of communications and makes initiatives more likely to succeed. How do you see yourself and your role? How are you evolving the way you work to become a counselor and trusted advisor? ~  Shook Yee Teh

Making sense of work. People work for many reasons. For some it is a drudgery that must be endured, for others it is purely economic, and for others work has a sense of meaning. When work is a setting and opportunity for employees to find meaning, their personal lives are more abundant, but they are also more productive. People can work harder and put in their time and go through the motions, but when they put in their energy and emotion, they are more likely to produce more. In addition, when employees create meaning, their customers will feel the same and their investors will be happier. Making meaning makes sense and cents. ~  Dan Schawbel interviewing Dave Ulrich

Employees first. What we want at HCL is passion. We want people to be burning up with desire to pursue their interests. Fascinated by their assignments. Jumping out of their skins with excitement about what's next. Eagerly pursuing better solutions and new initiatives. We have found that the Employees First approach produces far more passion than any motivational or recognition program. Why? Because it proves that management understands the importance of the work being done by the employees in the value zone. It demonstrates that we are actively helping them in ways that make it easier for them to do their jobs. It shows that we trust them to do what needs to be done in the way they believe it should be done. And it shows that we respect them for the value they bring to the company. Vineet Nayar in Forbes

Pengertian Engagement employee adalah suatu keterlibatan, komitmen, keinginan untuk berkontribusi dan rasa memiliki (ownership) dari an employee terhadap pekerjaan dan perusahaan. Di dalam terminologi ini, termasuk pula di dalamnya timbulnya rasa saling percaya (trust), loyalitas terhadap pekerjaan dan perusahaan, serta kebanggaan terhadap perusahaan dan semangat bekerjasama. Kondisi-kondisi tersebut yang kemudian melahirkan istilah EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT. Konsep employee engagement menjadi penting dalam mengkonsepsualiasikan dan menentukan peranan modal manusia terhadap kinerja organisasi. Konsep ini diperkenalkan oleh Gallup pada 2004 secara empirical dengan responden lebih dari 2500 bisnis, pusat kesehatan serta unit pendidikan.

Cara meningkatkan engagement karyawan :

Untuk mengetahui tingkat engagement karyawan, salah satu metode yang bisa dilakukan adalah metode " Focus, Measure and Follow Up", dalam menjalankan metode ini terdapat beberapa hal yang harus dilakukan perusahaan. Tahap awal yang dilakukan adalah mengidentifikasi dimensi atau aspek-aspek apa saja yang diasumsikan memberi kontribusi terhadap tingkat employee engagement. Yang harus disadari adalah aspek-aspek ini ketika dirumuskan di belakang meja bersifat asumtif, sehingga harus diverifikasi dalam suatu penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif melalui in-depth interview maupun focus group discussion.

Karena terlalu panjang maka saya cukupkan dulu kutipannya.

Terima kasih


Karno Subrata 


P Let's Go Green... think before you print!




From: HRM-Club@yahoogroups.com [mailto:HRM-Club@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Bekti Harsono
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 2:15 PM
To: HRM-Club@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Bls: [HRM-Club] Mohon sharing tentang Employee Engagement



Sedikit urun rembug, saya baru saja membaca buku Managing for Dummies by Bob Nelson, PhD dan Peter Economy, dimana salah satu chapternya membahas masalah employee engagement (Creating an Engaged Workforce).

Engagement bisa terjadi pada employees apabila :
1. Creating a Clear and Compelling Direction
    Assessing employees' understanding of mission and purpose

2. Modifying Strategies to meet goals
3. Opening lines of communication
    Employing direct, two-way communication
    Exploring communication techniques
4. Involving Employees and Encouraging Initiative
    Guiding employee focus
     Asking employees for their input and ideas
     Involving employees in decision making
5. Increasing Employee Autonomy, Flexibility, and Support
    Giving employees a say in their own work
    Allowing flexible work schedules (if possible)
    Making the most of technology for working remotely
    Providing managerial accessibility and support
Consider some guidelines for building rapport (for supervisor/manager)
- Take time with e,ployee
- Ask employees what they want and need
- Be available for questions from employees
- Show understanding and empathy
- Support employees when they make mistakes.


Dari: adisasongko <adisasongko@yahoo.com>
Kepada: HRM-Club@yahoogroups.com
Terkirim: Sen, 14 Maret, 2011 17:15:43
Judul: [HRM-Club] Mohon sharing tentang Employee Engagement


Salam jumpa Bapak/Ibu dan rekan-rekan sekalian..

Mohon sharing pengetahuan dan pengalamannya tentang Employee Engagement. Khabarnya seorang karyawan yang memiliki engagement tinggi (engaged employee), karyawan ini jauh lebih produktif, lebih kreatif, dan lebih berkomitmen. Sehingga sering kali engaged-employee dipandang lebih "baik" daripada motivated-employee.

Saya sendiri masih kurang paham, apa ya terjemahan yang paling tepat untuk employee engagement ini?
Apa bisa engaged-employee diartikan "karyawan yang berpartisipasi"? Tapi jika itu terjemahannya koq tampak tidak lebih "kuat" dibandingkan dengan "karyawan yang termotivasi" ya.. ?

Walau begitu mungkin ada di antara Bapak/Ibu dan rekan-rekan sekalian yang memiliki pengetahuan ataupun pengalaman, bagaimanakah cara meningkatkan Employee Engagement ini? Adakah kuesioner yang praktis namun handal (reliable) untuk mengukur employee engagement ini?

Terima kasih.

Kusharyo Adisasongko


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